The fairer sex, they smell like Mangos, levitate, and don’t fart. Incredible, can you believe it? Maybe not. There is probably more reliable information about the loch ness monster these days than there is about how women and men should relate to one another. It all starts out as a young boy, when you are taught that girls are just the same as boys. Yet when you treat them just like your knucklehead friends and punch their arms and call them ‘dude’, they won’t talk to you anymore? How can you ever have a good relationship with women if you don’t understand how we are different? And why that makes us perfect for each other? Well, there are certainly a few tidbits of wisdom I’ve learned in my travels that might be useful for us to understand each other a little better.
1). Women say what they feel, not always what they mean. My sister explained this to me once, when I had a misunderstanding with an ex-girlfriend that led to a very heated argument which, according to her, was a mile off …