It was Tuesday, I sneezed a couple of times during work, and I assumed I must be getting a cold. I had just come back from a two week stretch in quarantine and thought there was no way in hell I could have gotten the lurgy. By Wednesday, it was clear I at least had the flu. My temperature was elevated, and I wasn’t feeling the May West. Then it was confirmed that the girl I have been seeing has tested positive and the Daily Mail headlines started to flash through my head,
Being a key worker and all (flex), I managed to book an appointment to get tested at the SSE Area in Belfast. A harrowing experience, to say the least. This particular test centre was a drive-through centre, which I did not know at the time. We pulled up to the takeaway window and were told to keep the windows shut by a man in full PPE, 28 days later style. He pointed to a phone number posted on a nearby wall and said to call. A frightened and sweaty young lady who looked like she had bee…