There’s this joke about a German lifeguard. A man is drowning in the sea, and he shouts out,
‘Help! Help! I’m sinking! I’m sinking!’ The german lifeguard rushes over to the water’s edge and crouches down next to him. He says,
‘Vat are you sinking about?’
It is easy to become submerged in the waters of your thoughts. Some mornings I’m not even out of bed, and I’m already telling Joe Rogan about the complicated political situation in Northern Ireland. How do I turn this off? How do I deal with my overthinking on a day to day basis? I’m a creative, verbal person, and I have always suffered from that endless internal monologue that can drive a person to drink, which is not a metaphor.
Carl Jung, Swiss founder of analytical psychology, in his book symbols of transformation, makes two distinctions in thinking; direct and indirect (or fantastic) thinking. Direct thinking is in words, and language, while fantastic thinking is through images. I did some vanguard research, and the numbers were abou…