Sitemap - 2022 - Wisdom Dojo

Happy Christmas!

Essay: Socrates, Plato & Self Transformation (part 4)

#67 - Sebastian Watzl - The Philosophy of Attention & Social Media

Essay: The Meaning Crisis & Narrative (part 3)

Essay: A Philosophical Guide To Self-Development (part 2)

#66 - Brett Andersen - Jordan Peterson's Hero Mythology, Science & God.

Essay: A Philosophical Guide To Self-Development (Part 1)

#65 - John Vervaeke - Social Media, Attention & Awakening From The Meaning Crisis

Why Are We So Obsessed with True Crime Documentaries? (And Developing a Theory of Evil)

#64 - Massimo Pigliucci - Stoic Tools To Upgrade Your Mind

Essay: Why Mind-Reading Leads You To Hell

#63 - Attachment Adam - How To Fix Your Attachment Issues

Essay: Sacrificing The Drink For Something Better

#62 - The Irish Dogfather - Love, Purpose and Dog Psychology

Guest Post: Playing with Fire is who I am

Video: Is Social Media Bad For Our Mental Health?

Essay: Hercules, Dopamine & The Mental Health Crisis

#61 - Donald Robertson - The Stoic Response to Anxiety and Anger

Essay: How To Win Creative Battles and Never Procrastinate.

#60 - Joe Barnes - What is a brand? (and how to launch a successful one)

Essay: Why Conscience is a SUPER POWER (and how you can develop yours)

#59 - Mitja Černko - What is Personal Development? (Part 3)

Essay: How Your Thoughts Create Emotions (and how you can control them)

#58 - Mitja Černko - What is Personal Development? (Part 2)

Essay: How I Overcame My Quarter-Life Crisis (and How You Can Too)

#57 - Mitja Černko - What is Personal Development? (Part 1)

Welcome to MONK!

#56 - Dr John Sellars - How Stoic philosophy can help your mental health

#55 - Debbie Shaw - Meaningful Conversations and Starting your Podcast

#54 - Dr Anna Lembke - Addiction, Dopamine and Finding Balance

#53 - Brenden Kumarasamy - How To Improve Your Communication Skills

#52 - Meghan Sullivan & Paul Blaschko - How Do We Live The Good Life?

#51 - Anna-Rose Charleton - Ancient History, Memes and Empires End

#50 - What I've Learned From 50 Podcast Episodes

#49 - Philip Halton - How Can We Save Portobello?

#48 - The Two Chaps - Quitting The Drink For 2022